Compositions (list can be filtered by the first letter of a composer name)
Composition |
Composer |
Creation year |
Recording |
Score available in HIS |
Score available in ČRo |
Canto resposoriale
Hanousek, Vladimír |
Canto semplice
pro violu d amore |
Zemek (Novák), Pavel |
Canto serioso per fisarmonica
Bezděk, Jiří |
Canto solitario
for solo violin |
Loudová, Ivana |
2002 |
Canto triste
3 songs for middle voice and orchestra |
Pauer, Jiří |
Cantus belli
for piano four hands |
Řičánek, Karel |
Cantus de anima Deum desiderante
for mezzosoprano solo, 2nd part of the Three Spiritual Songs |
Kopelent, Marek |
2002 |
Cantus de dilectione filiarum
for baritone, five female voices and 3 trombones |
Kopelent, Marek |
1998 |
Cantus de nativitate Filii, for mezzosoprano solo
3rd part of the Three Spiritual Songs |
Kopelent, Marek |
1997 |
Cantus firmus
for piano (2 players) |
Štochl, Ondřej |
2008 |
Cantus hominis
pro komorní orchestr nebo noneto (verze pro noneto) |
Marek, Martin |
Cantus hominis ad memoriam Gideon Klein, pro noneto a harfu
Marek, Josef |
Cantus hominis, for chamber orchestra or nonet
version for chamber orchestra |
Marek, Josef |
Cantus Issaie (Singing of Issaiah), for mixed choir
Smutný, Pavel |
Cantus laetitiae. Psalm for children´s or female choir a cappella
A cycle of Latin psalms - children´s choir |
Pololáník, Zdeněk |
Cantus laetitiae. Psalm for children´s or female choir a cappella
A cycle of Latin psalms for female choir |
Pololáník, Zdeněk |
Cantus Planctus
Štědroň, Miloš |
Cantus pro defunctis
for mezzosoprano solo, 1st part of the Three Spiritual Songs |
Kopelent, Marek |
1993 |
Cantus psalmorum
pro basbaryton, varhany, harfu a bicí |
Pololáník, Zdeněk |
Cantus rogans
for cello solo |
Kopelent, Marek |
1999 |