Compositions (list can be filtered by the first letter of a composer name)
Composition |
Composer |
Creation year |
Recording |
Score available in HIS |
Score available in ČRo |
Nothing Than..., for piano (event. with audio or MIDI)
Forró, Daniel |
Seven Microintervals Studies, for electronic instruments
Forró, Daniel |
Orbis Fictus, for electronic instruments
Forró, Daniel |
Music for Modeart, for electronic instruments
Forró, Daniel |
Ekmelic Music, for electronic instruments
Forró, Daniel |
Euphonia No. 1, for electronic instrumets
Forró, Daniel |
Ty jsi Petr
Fridrich, Zdeněk |
Tri preludia, asi pro varhany
Fridrich, Zdeněk |
Hratky, pro 4 saxofony, baskytaru nebo kontrabas a bici
Fried, Alexej |
Parafraze a variace na motivy West Side Story
Fried, Alexej |
Variations and Paraphrases on Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story
Fried, Alexej |
Allegro ze Sonatiny bravury v uprave pro xylofon a klavir
Fried, Alexej |
Tri charakteristicke etudy pro lesni roh solo
Fried, Alexej |
Kontrasty pro lesni roh a klavir
Fried, Alexej |
Little Concerto for marimba and string quartet
Fried, Alexej |
Dramatico per archi
Fuchs, Robert |
Divertimento B dur.Studie v klasickem slohu
Fuchs, Robert |
Studie pro 2 dechove nastroje
Fuchs, Robert |
Cosi un poco prima verile.Fletnovy kvartet
Fuchs, Robert |
Sonata in Es Americka pro klavir solo
Fuchs, Robert |