Happy Moments. A short album of memoires for 2 violins (for violin and viola)

Composition Details

Composition attributes:
Part Titles:
1. Allegro danzante
2. Adagio teneramente
3. Allegro gaio
4. Andante affabile. Larghetto amoroso
in memoriam
Premiere Place:
Brno, sál konzervatoře
Premiere Musicians:
David Herzán, Helena Rýdlová
další prov.: 4. 12. 2007 Brno, KMS; Dny soudobé hudby v Praze, 5.11.2009, Sál Kozervatoře J. Deyla, int.: Miloš Vacek - vln, Jan Řezníček - vla
památce maminky (+12.5.1992)


Instrument Abbreviation Number
violin (first or without specification) Vno 2
viola  Va 1