Creation year
Recording |
Score available in HIS
Score available in ČRo |
...a je to proste, pro baryton solo, zensky sbor, orchestr a mgf.pas (4-kanal.)
for violin and electronics |
for flute and electronics |
fabric kNoDs
for clarinet in B flat, bass-clarinet and electronics |
Fanfare Ostrava 2024
2024 |
Haiku. Pisne pro sopran a klavir
Honkytonk, pro fletnu, kytaru, housle a klavir
Humanistische Apotheose No. 1, for chamber orchestra
English: Humanistic Apotheosis No. 1 |
2008 |
Humanistische Apotheose No. 1
for symphony orchestra |
Humanistische Apotheose II., for chamber orchestra with sound-track
English: Humanistic Apotheosis No. 2 |
2007 |
Who Will Play With Me. Ray of poems by Jiri Zacek with instrumental accompaniment
Kočičí hry
pro housle, klavír a elektroniku |
for Orchestra and Electronics |
Linden Leaves
Narodil se, pro sopran, alt, recitaci, tanec, diaprojekci a 15 instrumentalistu
spoluautor Roman Z. Novak - byva uvaden jako jediny autor |
Odnikud! Nikam?, pro symfonicky orchestr
Pet pohledu do hudby, pro klarinet, lesni roh, violu, housle, vlc, cb a klavir
1999 |
Petidilna suita pro 3 klarinety
Striking Through, for flute and tape
1998 |